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Sharing the Stories Exhibit Artists

The "Kentucky Craft Luminaries: Sharing the Stories" original exhibit presented at LexArts in 2015 featured 21 craft artists, just a sampling of the many that have been interviewed by KCHEA.  It later traveled to the Frazier History Museum, Louisville, Kentucky in 2019 and the Central Library, Lexington, Kentucky in 2021.


The 2023 exhibit at the Behringer-Crawford Museum features the artists shown here. Enjoy learning more about this diverse group of talented artists--their inspirations, their craft, and why their contributions to the Kentucky craft movement are significant. They are each unique and have a special story to share. To view a list of other Craft Luminaries, click here.

Kentucky Craft History & Education Association
P O Box 22363
Lexington, KY 40522

© 2023 Kentucky Craft History

and Education Association

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